Your company should not have to pay for every customer you acquire. We help companies acquire organic (free) leads using content marketing. Our strategy helps bring customers to you so you don’t have to rely on ads. See pricing details.
According to data, Google properties are the top-visited websites in the world, followed by social media websites. Furthermore, social media sites have shifted their algorithms to keep users on their platforms. They have designed it so paid ads are the most effective ways to leak traffic. On the contrary, Google search is designed to send traffic to those websites found in search results. Once your website ranks well on Google for several keywords, your business can effectively take advantage of organic traffic. Here’s the 3 step process…
We perform a thorough SEO audit to find & fix any vulnerabilities. The audit also includes a list of keywords to target content as well as a competitive analysis report. To effectively compete, you must understand your competition. This audit will serve as the blueprint roadmap for the content strategy.
We don't guess what your customers are searching for. We use impactful data analytics to determine the exact keywords your customers are searching for and craft high-quality content to target them from search results. Turning your business into a lead generation magnet!
Backlinks are links to your website from other websites. Backlinks are Google's biggest secret hiding in plain sight! Google's algorithm rank websites higher if they have Expertise, Expertise, Authority & Trust (E.E.A.T.) We help companies get links from high-quality sites, resulting in better rankings.
Once upon a time, this client was paying for every customer acquisition by running ads. However, after several months of running our strategic lead generation campaigns, we shifted their revenue landscape. Now they receive most of their revenue via organic leads from search engines. Thus our services are a significant return on investment. We can execute this strategy for your company, contact us to learn more.
We have gotten our clients featured in premier global media publications, amplifying their brand with our backlinking services. Ask us how we did it.
We require a 3-month minimum commitment to yield successful results. We recommend most clients take advantage of the full package. Only choose a la carte pricing if your company already masters any of the aforementioned services.
Please note: this service is for those companies only interested in a thorough SEO audit. It won’t come with any of our other lead generation services. Only choose this option if you desire to see your company’s outlook in regards to search engines.
Please note: this service is for those companies only interested in ongoing SEO and Content Writing services. It won’t come with any of our other lead generation services. Only choose this option if you have already conducted an SEO audit and do not need Backlink Building services. We require a 3-month minimum commitment to yield successful results.
Please note: this service is for those companies only interested in ongoing Backlink Building services. It won’t come with any of our other lead generation services. Only choose this option if you have already conducted an SEO audit and do not need SEO & Content Writing services. We require a 3-month minimum commitment to yield successful results.